
Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm Not Just Happy, I'm Gleeful

Hanna is an avid doll collector. She has been collecting American Girl dolls since was 8 and since she has started, she has gotten 9 dolls in a span of 5 years. Marisol was her first doll, and I'm her newest doll. Hanna usually gets at least 2 dolls every year. It's weird having her getting me just now in August/September. But, I'm not going to be the lonely one like Savannah was. Because Hanna wants another doll.

Hanna consulted us the other day. We can't talk back to her because she doesn't know that we're alive as much as we can be. So we just sat and listened.

"Girls, I hope you have been nice to your sister Hayden, but now it's time to welcome another sister," Hanna said. "As you know, I only have 2 Girl of the Year's, Mia and Marisol. My parents said I could get one more doll this year for Christmas because they think I have enough. To end my doll buying, I have decided on getting Lanie Holland, GOTY 2010!"

I sat there in shock, wanting to scream out, "NO!! You can't get Lanie Holland!!" Back at the factory, I was teased by Rebecca. Once 2010 rolled around, Rebecca had a new recruit. Lanie Holland. They would torture us dolls and say they were better. If Hanna gets the exact same Lanie that teased me, I'll pack myself up and ship myself back to the AG factory. I just can't live with her.

"My parents have asked me to give them a presentation on why they should get this doll for me. I've come up with a couple reasons for the presentation," Hanna went on.

"One, I barely have any Girl of the Year dolls so Lanie Holland would certainly be welcomed. Two, her curls are just beautiful and I love her cute side bangs..." Hanna droned on an on about why she should get Lanie Holland. The reasons were actually pretty convincing after the first two. If I were Hanna's parents, I would get the doll for her. But then again, I'm Hayden, a doll that hates Lanie Hollands as much as Rebecca hates Target.

After Hanna's talk, all 9 of us got up to go talk about in Marisol's room once Hanna was gone. Most of the rooms here can only fit a maximum of 3 and a half dolls, but when Hanna made Marisol's room, she made it 3 times the size of all our rooms because she thought Marisol was going to be her only doll. She did that also because she thought she was going to have to put all her doll furniture she got in that room. This was the first time I had ever been in there so it was kind of a shock. The walls were painted a light purple and their were dance posters everywhere. Marisol's dance trunk sat in a corner. I found a nice, fluffy chair and sat it in it. Mia sat in the chair next to me. Felicity and Elizabeth, the two "mothers" of our group were at the front of the room.

"Alright girls, we want to know how you think of Hanna getting Lanie Holland. Raise two hands if you're happy about it, one if you're okay with it, and non and you just plain hate it.

Marisol, Mia, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Felicity and Savannah all raised both hands. Me and Katie raised one hand while Julie was the only one that didn't raise her hand. Julie was the 5th doll Hanna ever got. Every doll that Hanna got after her, Julie took it hard. Especially me since she would offically be the 'middle doll'. Nobody ever wants that because you're just kind of forgotten. With Lanie, Julie would still be the middle doll and that would stay the same since this was Hanna's last doll.

"You can put your hands down now girls. Thank you. You can all go now except for Julie," Elizabeth spoke. Everybody knows that if you don't like Hanna getting a new doll, then you, Felicity, and Elizabeth get to have a 'talk'. I don't knoe what happens, but I guess they tell you the upsides of having that new doll. I exited the room with Mia.

"Hey, why don't you want Lanie to come live with us," Mia asked once we were away from the room.
"Well, I'm not the most enthusiastic about Lanie coming to live with us I guess. Back at the AG factory, a Rebecca and Lanie would tease me almost every day so I'm kinda against Lanie's right now," I told her.
"Oh. Well, I didn't know that. Maybe we will end up with a different Lanie if Hanna's parents say yes," Mia replied, hope in her voice.


1 comment:

  1. Ashley has also decided on getting Lanie but she's getting her for Christmas. It's like some disease is sweeping the nation, and it's called LANIE FEVER!!!

    "Lanie, Lanie fever. Now the whole planet's got Lanie Fever. The streets will flow red from the blood of the non-believers! There's no cure from Lanie Fever." xD

