Me and Claire met at the factory. It was an accident. If it wasn't for Rebecca and her snobiness, we never would've met. Rebecca was taunting me because of my hair once again. Claire butted in and told her to go drown in a lake. Sadly, Rebecca didn't but she did shut up.
"Thanks," I told Claire.
"No problem. I'm Claire. I love your hair! It's so pretty," Claire gushed.
"I'm Hayden. And thanks again! Nobody ever compliments me on my hair," I replied. After that, we started talking about so many things. We instantly became friends. We hung out for an entire week before the workers picked us up and took us to a truck. I was worried that Claire wasn't picked for the AGP but luckily she was. Once we got to the AG place, me and Claire had so much fun! For two weeks straight, we were kept in the back of the store. Finally, we were taken out to the store. It was much bigger than what we had expected. A couple days passed before Claire was picked up and taken. I cried for days. Once the next delivery truck came, I hopped on board and rode back to the AG factory. I made new friends once I got back but none of them were Claire. A year later, I was finally picked. And her I am now!